____________________ ETHICS POLICY STATEMENT ____________________

The shareholders, directors and managers of Retro Bridge Ltd believe that all business across the world should be undertaken in an ethical manner. Where ethics is not taken into account, it is likely that at least one group of the stakeholders in a business – including customers, employees, business partners, shareholders and the general public of any country in which the business operates – will be detrimentally affected. This may be through a customer paying more than it needs to for goods or services, through lower quality being delivered than the customer ought to be entitled to, or through unfair competition for business.

Unethical behaviour can take many forms including bribery and corruption, turning a blind eye to or actively and knowingly breaking the law, and / or colluding with competitors to manipulate the market. We believe any such practices are wrong. We will not allow our company to become involved in any business practice which we consider to be unethical. If we find any such behaviour taking place in our company, we will take swift action to eliminate it and will report it where necessary to the relevant authorities. If we become aware of such practices or have a reasonable suspicion of them in any other stakeholder, we may report the facts to the management and owners of that business as appropriate. We will also comply with any statutory obligations which may fall upon us both as a UK company subject to UK laws including the Bribery Act and the Proceeds of Crime Act, and any laws of the local jurisdiction in which the unethical practices have been identified.

No employee of Retro Bridge Ltd must offer, promise, give, request, agree to receive, or accept a bribe. Such behaviour will be regarded as gross misconduct as well as a breach of the law and will result in disciplinary action and the relevant authorities being informed. We also have an active duty under UK law to prevent anyone associated with us bribing on our behalf, and we have implemented and adhere to policies and procedures that achieve this.

The company’s ethical policies and procedures are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that they take into account modern business practices and standards and are updated for changes in risks within the business. All of our employees, suppliers and third party business partners are responsible for ensuring that they adhere to all aspects of our ethics policy. The company will fully support its employees and managers in making the right decisions to ensure this happens. They will be given appropriate training to ensure compliance and the company will act swiftly to rectify any area where non-compliance is identified.

We are fully committed to the principles set out in this policy statement and, if anyone believes that the company or any of its employees is not strictly abiding by them, please make contact with us without delay. 

Alex Cole
Managing Director

T: +44(0)1291 446 500
E: a.cole@retrobridge.co.uk 

Han Kastermans

T: +31(0)73 640 87 70
E: han@retrobridge.com

retro bridge groep brugsystemen

retro bridge groep brugsystemen

T: +44 (0)1291 446 500
E: enquiries@retrobridge.co.uk
A: 6 Manor View St Avans
     Chepstow NP16 6DY
     United Kingdom
